Starting my week at Honolulu Med Spa

Before starting this post, i want to tell you something really important:

be careful with your words as they have a very powerful effect on our lives.

The very first time I stepped foot at Honolulu Med Spa, I went with a friend that was going to have a  procedure.

I remember everything as if it was today, I felt so comfortable there that I even told my friend, “If one day I come to see my clients in Honolulu, it is going to be here.” Long story short: One day one of the spa’s employees came to have her brows done with me and she told me about the HMS and how it was working there. A week later I was in a meeting with the business owner and we both decided that on Mondays, my spot at the HMS was reserved.

I believe that working alongside places like this is very important for our experience but also for our knowledge. I learn every day from Honolulu Med Spa and its team, I have got a new family here. Everyone is extremely focused on their work, from those who greet you when you walk in, to the people working in the back office. The Spa has been around for 20 years providing excellent treatments but the most important part is: they care about every single customer and for me that is number one.

Every Monday I wake up early, prepare my breakfast and drive to Honolulu. I live on the North Shore so it takes me about 1:10 minutes to get there. I love the road, the idea of providing my services somewhere else, and as I drive I listen to music or sometimes podcasts and prepare myself mentally to start my day.

It’s extremely important to get out of our comfort zone and spend a day of the week seeking new landscapes and people. Add something new and productive to work, plan your ideas and use your creativity.

We need stimulation to make it all happen. When you step out of your comfort zone you open so many new possibilities. When you speak with power, intentions and feelings everything can happen.


Dream big!


Creating Brows for Hawaii’s Top Surfers