How to make good decisions

Decisions are the hardest thing to make. Especially when it is a choice between where you should be and where you want to be. Something that I learned from my own experience: always make decisions that prioritize your inner peace.

I am pretty sure that you know that takes courage to make a decision - in life and in business.  Making choices tends to frighten and often paralyze us.  As an entrepreneur, I find myself in a position to decide, every single day, which is the best path to follow.

Today I want to share with you four aspects that help me to make good decisions. I hope it can be useful for you too:

01. Identify the real problem:

Sometimes is very difficult to understand what the MAIN problem is. Analyze the context and seek advice from someone who can guide you.

02. Analyze consequences:

Everything may be very clear in your mind, but never forget that there will always be a chance that the result will not be exactly what was expected.  Always have a plan B.

03. Knowledge is power:

Only make decisions if you have relevant information about the problem.  Be interested in knowing about your options.

04. When in doubt, wait:

Try to exhaust all your doubts about the problem and possible solutions before making a final decision.

The advice I also can give you is this: always focus on be reasonable but always listen to your intuition.  Know yourself and always count on your own experience. Your path is valuable, don't minimize everything you've learned so far.

Now I want to hear from you: what's the hardest choice you've had to make?  Sharing experiences and tips is important and I am always very happy reading each comment of you, girls. Thanks for your support. Aloha!


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