Be who you want, have what you want

My name is Lu, I have a degree in speech therapy, with a specialty in communication. Today I work as a permanent makeup artist specialized in eyebrows and I'm also a trainer. My specialties are completely different, and I'm saying this because sometimes in the wind of change we find our true direction.

Starting a new specialty, a new job that has nothing to do with what you started, can take you to your true place. 

but for that you will need some things that are necessary, and one of them is called risk. I usually say that everything in life has a 50% chance of going right and a 50% chance of going wrong. So, trust the 50% chance of positive outcomes and go for it. If it goes wrong, take a deep breath, change your strategy and try again. 

I remember a book I read about Nelson Mandela that talked about how many times he had failed in his life before he succeeded. After reading that part of the book, I was able to understand that sometimes failure leads us to improvement.


Most mornings I listen to podcasts, I like to listen to Les Brown, if you don't know who he is, you need to check him out. Well, Les Brown once said in one of his podcasts: ”If you want to grow and develop yourself, embrace failure.” 


I am saying that because if it was possible for me, it is possible for you. I didn't even speak English and I didn't know anyone when I moved to the United States, everything is a matter of perspective.

Lately I have read some books that changed my life and taught me excellent life strategies and I would like to share them with you. If you have any to recommend me I’d be happy to read them.

List of the Books I recommend: 

- Secrets of the millionaire mind by T. Harv Eker

- The 48 laws of power by Robert Greene

- The E myth by Michael E. Gerber

- 5am club by Robin Sharma

- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

- Beyond influencer marketing by Cloris Kylie

- Unlimited power by Tony Robbins 

- The power of now by Eckart Tolle

- Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

- The secret by By Rhonda Byrne 

-Girl, stop apologizing by Rachel Hollis

-Eat pray love by Elisabeth Gilbert

-Untamed by Glennon Doyle

-Gandhi Autobiography

- Be who you want have what you want by Chris Prentiss

Hope this gives you that extra motivation boost that you needed.




How to Become a higher version of yourself


Dream big!