How to Become a higher version of yourself

The past year has completely reshaped the way I live. Life is slowly returning to ‘normal.’ Schedules is filling up again. Everything is new… new habits, new projects. Yes, I have changed.

Life made me change and forced me to grow. One of my greatest achievements so far was understanding who I am and what is my mission.

I feel like a completely different person, like a higher version of myself. I learned a lot the past year about myself. One the best ways of changing how you live is becoming aware of how you think.

However, the reality is we all know what’s best for ourselves. Deep down we all know what we should be doing but with the chaos of the world, especially right now, it’s easy to get caught up in the “doing” part and not actually doing anything at all.

My advice to you:

- Give yourself space: When it feels like everything is happening all at once and you’re getting overwhelmed, stressed and anxious, sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.

- Connect with people who inspire you: Pay attention to things they say, listen.

- Stop talking with everyone about your problems and worries: Choose 1 person to share your life. ( I just learned that and it made a huge difference in my life)

- Stop asking for advices and follow your heart.

- Visualize what you want everyday and let it go. The universe will take care of it.

- Make notes, make plans but don’t stress over it.


Take control of your life


Be who you want, have what you want