Take control of your life

"Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” (Napoleon Hill)

I am always trying to be a better person, a better friend, a better businesswoman. I know you feel the same. To be successful, we first have to have a mindset of a successful person. Yes, it all starts in our thinking.

My main advice is that you start by changing your mind and thoughts. And how to do this?

 1. Seek to learn from people who inspire you and who are good examples for you;

 2. Research, read, find out more about mindset.  Immerse yourself in content that will help you unlock your negative beliefs and drive you to build a successful mind;

 3. Listen to mental reprogramming daily with positive affirmations.

Take control of your life today.  It is so easy to say but do you know how does it really work?  Here are some suggestions from a brazilian writer Paulo Vieira that made a lot of sense to me:

 1. If it is to criticize, be silent;

 2. If it is to complain, give a suggestion;

 3. If it is to look for the guilty, look for a solution;

 4. If you want to play the victim, play the winner;

 5. If it is to justify your mistakes, learn from them;

 6. If it is to judge people, judge only their attitudes and behavior.

 "Whether you think you can or if you think you can't, you're right anyway."  (Henry Ford)


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